If you have never met a representative sample of half the country it seems reasonable to assume anything you don't like is done by someone evil outside it.
>If you have never met a representative sample of half the country it seems reasonable to assume anything you don't like is done by someone evil outside it.
That's part of the problem. You are assuming that everyone who doesn't live in a small town or rural area believes that those who do are bad, evil or wrong.
Well I'm here to tell you that you're mistaken. The vast majority of my fellow Americans (regardless of where they live) are decent people who just want to have a country that respects the rule of law, provides equality under those laws and gives everyone a fair shake to succeed.
There is a very small group that doesn't want that. And they seem to have successfully pitted us against each other, rural vs. urban, white vs. black, young vs. old, etc., etc., etc.
But those are false divisions. Sure, we disagree about a bunch of things. But the vast majority of us agree about much more than we disagree.
So please, don't just paint everyone that's different (in this case, the population density of their residence) with such a broad brush.
I was born and live in the largest city in the US. I've also traveled all over this country, and lived in cities, suburbs and small towns. What I've seen in my more than half-century of living, is that we mostly want the same things.
The problem is that we're not getting them! But it's not the city dweller or the rural resident that's keeping us from doing so.
We could make this country a good place for just about all of us if we stop hurling insults at one another and work together to make our government work for us.
Because, in the end, the government is us. That we allow ourselves to be divided, keeps us from working together to create the change we all want.
If we do that, and build bridges of communication to do so, we're in a much better position to communicate and compromise about the stuff we disagree upon.
I don't care where you live or what you look like. Americans are my brothers and sisters, and I want you to have the life you want to live. And I want to have the life I want to live.
Let's not let those who don't want that keep us from getting it.