In the book Coders at Work by Peter Siebel, he asks peter norvig this question:
"So is there any essential skill needed to be a programmer? Different domains obviously have different requirements but ultimately is there some commonality to writing code regardless of domain?"
Peters answer to this _really_ resonated with me - his first two sentences were "You've got to be able to make progress and then improve on it. That's all you need to be able to do in life."
How would you answer this question?
- Never say "Got it" or "OK" when someone is explaining a problem or solution and you don't follow. It feels awkward to say "Sorry, I'm still not following. Do you mean that when..." five times in the same conversation but it is worth your time and embarrassment to come away with a correctly framed and well understood situation. Otherwise you will figure out what they meant after wasting hours/days/months solving the wrong thing.
- You'll be faced with situations where your colleagues/organization expect you to implement solutions you think are not the best. Understand that "the best way" for the team or business is not necessarily the same as "the best way" for you personally or "the best way" overall. You are likely missing some context about the choice. Be mindful of reputation risks, time costs and maintenance costs involved in changing the approach.
When you're asked to code something you don't agree with (including ethical issues) your options include: silently accept their approach, refuse to do their approach, propose an approach (with conversation or code) and gracefully accept the result, or find another job. Be aware that different organizations will react differently to those approaches. Under no circumstances should you fall into the trap of spending a week to convince the team to adopt a change that would save a week of costs.