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Ask HN: Why not have external links open in new tabs on HN?
1 point by beyond on April 21, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Because overriding the default behavior is trivial (middle-click in most browsers), but restoring it when it's been overridden by JS is not.

If you think that external links should, in general, be opened in new tabs, I'd say that's what extensions are for.

Not everyone has a middle-click or even a mouse. I use Cmd+Click (or Ctrl+Click) on HN but on reddit, a single-click works. On a laptop with a trackpad, it is much easier to tap once than to do a keyboard + click or tap.

This. Middle-Click if you want a new tab.

This would be a nice preference. I only say so because on an iPad opening links in a new tab is a pain.

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