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Social Book Post Manager (chrome.google.com)
1 point by throwawaysea on Oct 3, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This Chrome extension seems to be the easiest way for users to delete all their past history (or selective portions) on Facebook, and is recommended in numerous online guides. The authors claim it is completely safe to use:

> This extension is completely written in Javascript, and running completely within users Chrome browsers. All the source code can be viewed with Chrome Developer Tools. The code has been analyzed many times by many other developers. The extension has been used by nearly 200,000 users. If there is anything bad, it would have already been reported. You can feel absolutely safe to use it.

Does anyone know if this is a safe tool to recommend to friends and family looking to thin their social media presence?

Are there equivalents for other social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc?

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