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Tridactyl worked for me better than any alternatives, but qutebrowser (https://qutebrowser.org/) was built for this kind of browsing and is more configurable. Unfortunately it doesn't have good plugin support, although I believe it does have an inbuilt ad blocker.

Yup - note the built-in adblocker is very basic at the moment (just a list of blocked hosts which doesn't block e.g. YouTube ads or ads served from the main domain of a page).

This is going to change soon, however, with a new adblocker based on Brave's: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/pull/5317

I hesitated long to make qutebrowser my main browser because of lacking password management and device synchronization. Eventually I switched and started using dedicated applications for these tasks.

Qutebrowser is especially great for browsing documentation while coding. Besides it's main point of being keyboard driven, the lack of plugins makes it also absolutely distraction free.

FWIW there are userscripts to integrate password management with qutebrowser: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/tree/master/misc/...

What are you using for device synchronization? Something like Syncthing/Nextcloud?

Imho tridactyl's hint mode is better than qutebrowser's

Can you elaborate? Maybe there's something to learn for qutebrowser's hint implementation :)

I can't answer for OP but I think Tridactyl's callback hint mode is more powerful than Qutebrowsers' spawn, as we provide the hinted element to the callback. That means you can do stuff like remove it from the page or make the font comic sans etc. Qutebrowsers' spawn hint mode seems to only let you use the URL of the hint.

In general we seem to have more hint modes - copy paragraph to clipboard, select text, etc. See https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/blob/5e8f94ff06bd5f14... (and forgive the code ... we really need an argument parser).

Yep, qutebrowser should also have some more hinting modes :D https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/521

You can't really write Python well inline (as an oneliner), so custom hints would look a bit different in qutebrowser, as a separate Python extension which would be loaded from a file: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/30

I agree it'd be great to have a bit more flexibility with regards to hinting actions!

Why not optionally use JavaScript for the callback?

Somehow you were able to express exactly what I wanted to say with less words and less pictures https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24637140

Edit: Thanks for Tridactyl, it's a great add-on and truly a life changer, and I just started using it 2 or 3 days ago :)

First of all, thanks for qutebrowser, it's a really great piece of software, in fact I'm using writing this comment using it... Now for the hints, it's mainly the fact that tridactyl highlights the elements hinted, for example with the Twitter web UI:

tridactyl: https://imgur.com/D1PDBgY

qutebrowser: https://imgur.com/m4vtbk0

Now it's not that a big deal, but the advantages appears clearly on more saturated pages, off the top of my head, stackoverflow's triage:

With qutebrowser[0], if I want to close the modal, `gs` and `hd` are almost on the same place (it's only with experience that I noticed that hints are top left so `hd` is the hint I'm looking for) compare this to tridactyl[1] the `hy` fits very nicely with the highlight which doesn't let any place for ambiguity. I noticed your other answer about the addons, it's very much appreciated, and if I can help with the beta or whatever, let me know, keep up with the great work.

0: https://imgur.com/H4oGufK

1: https://imgur.com/NyNyOoX

If Qutebrowser wants to stop its hints from overlapping, it might be helpful to look at the PR that added it to Tridactyl: https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/pull/2259/files : )

Thanks! I added a comment to the relevant qutebrowser issue: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/71

Thanks! I added a comment to a somewhat related issue: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2836

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