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> High availibility is a bit more complicated to set up with Postgres, and I don't have much experience with that part.

There is Patroni[0], which has a Docker-based setup template in Spilo[1]. I don't have expertise enough to say anything about these, except that I've been running an HA setup with Spilo for several months without issues so far.

Would be interesting to hear what more experienced postgres people have to say about it :)

Also we've opted to just use traefik (based on spilo service registration) rather than pgbouncer.

[0]: https://github.com/zalando/patroni

[1]: https://github.com/zalando/spilo

Patroni is rather rough around the edges to get going, but works fairly well once you do.

We manage a rather large cluster using it and for the most part, it works.

Getting functional PITR that you can restore rapidly is honestly our biggest gripe with PG. WAL-G/Barman certainly do work, but when your DB is measured in terabytes, even bootstrapping a replica is very slow.

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