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The comment wasn't "the barrier of entry to selling a thing on the internet" the comment was in a thread where the context was competitors on the scale they could be replacements for Amazon.

The barrier for that is not a Shopify page... that's not going to get you a fleet of Boeing 767s that shore up your nation-wide logistics chain able to deliver a 3 dollar dog toy 200 miles in less than 24 hours.

Even Walmart is struggling to compete with that, how can someone say that there's a low barrier of entry there with a straight face?

In fact you seem to be aware of this because literally the next line down you say... Competing against Amazon's scale is tough


This is just another typical HN contextomy. People need to learn read a comment in the context it's given, rather than going "well technically, if you just ignore the context given, it's actually this totally unrelated thing."

It gets exhausting having to constantly point out context that's literally right there.

No, I completely understood. This is like the people in the 90s who were going "How can anyone compete with Wal-mart who has retail stores in every city and an incredible distribution network?"

I stand by my statement that the barrier to entry for retail has never been lower.

Apparently you don't stand by your statement since you literally just changed it...

My comment refers to "the barrier to entry for competing with Amazon's retail unit" to which you reply "it IS very low".

Which is comical.

Now it's shifting to "the barrier to entry for retail has never been lower."


If you had said that we wouldn't be having this conversation, because newsflash:

> This is like the people in the 90s who were going "How can anyone compete with Wal-mart who has retail stores in every city and an incredible distribution network?"

It only took this little thing called the Internet taking off, a company that took decades to grow to the scale where they could compete with it along with their revenue from other business units like this little one called "AWS".

So yeah, if we're willing wait another couple of decades I'm sure the next Amazon would have an easier time now that they don't have to wait for the concept of Internet shopping to become mainstream.

Doesn't exactly address the original comment's point that the barriers to building something to compete with Amazon are very high though does it?

It's almost like trying to compete with Amazon's retail unit means somehow competing with a product riding on their revenue from all their other units, including AWS. The writing has been on the wall there though: https://www.businessinsider.com/amazons-cloud-is-funding-its...

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