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I'm pleased to report that WebThings isn't dead, it is alive and kicking with a new commercial sponsor.

The Thing Description specification at the core of WebThings is now a W3C Recommendation (https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description/) and there is a new W3C Web Thing Protocol community group working on standardising the concrete HTTP & WebSockets based protocol WebThings uses to monitor and control devices.

The WebThings platform includes over a hundred GitHub repositories worth of code (https://github.com/WebThingsIO/) but I'm sorry to hear you feel it lacks a convincing story. That's something I hope to improve in WebThings' new life beyond Mozilla's R&D department.

I know this may be painful to hear since the new commercial sponsor is you but having an early stage startup which is entering the fairly crowded digital signage space be the commercial sponsor is not something which is going to raise anyone's confidence level that WebThings has a long term future.

What interested me in WebThings was:

* independance of any device vendor

* independance of operating system vendor

* independance of cloud vendor (local data)

* true openess that would allow some hope of device vendors contributing integrations

As a former developer of a proprietary home gateway who has studied and implemented many home automation protocols I know too much the mess of the home automation ecosystem. Just walled gardens. And gateway APIs are one way to lock-in users and software developers.

I wonder if that "new commercial sponsor" will not change the balance of independancy.

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