Trump and his followers are rampant on Facebook. It's an absolute cesspool.
The mainstream media, is Fox. They are mainstream, they are boastfully 'the most watched' Rush Limbaugh has an enormous listening base. Alex Jones up until recently commanded a huge user base. People are getting 'cancelled' for making terrible comments. Sexist, racist, largely inappropriate comments. People, especially minorities (women, gay, race) are sick of it. They're sick of laughing nervously and pretending it didn't happen. I'm a 30-something white dude, I'm sick of it.
CNN has people like Rick Santorum on to spew his filth. I was just watching Meet The Press on MSNBC and they let Jason Miller sit and lie for a few minutes.
Twitter/modern meidums where youth is the primary audience, where they are not getting traction isn't due to censorship. Few among younger generations subscribe to Trump's brand of insults and division. The religion pandering, the science denying. They're not buying it,
The victim mentality here is infuriating. It's no more censorship than OAN not giving air time to climate scientists.
Trump and his followers are rampant on Facebook. It's an absolute cesspool.
The mainstream media, is Fox. They are mainstream, they are boastfully 'the most watched' Rush Limbaugh has an enormous listening base. Alex Jones up until recently commanded a huge user base. People are getting 'cancelled' for making terrible comments. Sexist, racist, largely inappropriate comments. People, especially minorities (women, gay, race) are sick of it. They're sick of laughing nervously and pretending it didn't happen. I'm a 30-something white dude, I'm sick of it.
CNN has people like Rick Santorum on to spew his filth. I was just watching Meet The Press on MSNBC and they let Jason Miller sit and lie for a few minutes.
Twitter/modern meidums where youth is the primary audience, where they are not getting traction isn't due to censorship. Few among younger generations subscribe to Trump's brand of insults and division. The religion pandering, the science denying. They're not buying it,
The victim mentality here is infuriating. It's no more censorship than OAN not giving air time to climate scientists.