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The Ultimate HTML5 Tutorials and Useful Techniques (dzinepress.com)
89 points by binarray2000 on April 10, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Weird, loaded and put me at the bottom of the page. HTML5 Technique? ;)

I'm glad others noticed this too. After the 6th time, I just gave up.

Maybe it was fixed ... it works fine for me.

Me too, either the server is getting crushed right now or the page won't render.

Can we avoid these types of submissions in the future? This article isn't trying to educate the readers with anything in particular, HTML5 is just a buzz word and by dumping a ton of links about the topic they can drive traffic to their site. Just look at the content: there are two articles about "Drag and Drop with HTML5", a half dozen articles about writing HTML5 that is backwards compatible and cross-browser, and another half dozen articles that are just generically talking about how to create a page with HTML5 from scratch.

Chrome does indeed jump way down the page on load. No idea what possible "technique" this would be other than "weird out the reader."

Links just return back to the same page, and right at the bottom..

Usually don't see these blogspam "32 Great Links About [keyword]" on HN.

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