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I don’t mind dart, but typescript and electron have the full weight of Microsoft behind them while dart and flutter remain mostly hobby projects.

We did the business case for cross platform, as we’re a non-tech enterprise organisation with 10.000 employees but few developers. We wanted flutter to win, but react native came out like the sound choice.

> while dart and flutter remain mostly hobby projects.

What makes you think that?

They have spent more than 3-4 years with millions of dollars on it.

You'd be surprised how many top-downloaded apps are made with flutter. Electron and typescrypt may have some potential but they have a horrible genetic desease - javascript. That alone makes flutter a clear winner.

Can you Name some?

I don't know download rankings, but some I expect get significant traffic include Hamilton, eBay Motors, Google Ads, Grab, Nubank, Dream11, and Alibaba.


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