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Note taking app. It's good. Missing a couple of features.


before i go trying it out... it looks a lot like a personal wiki?

RTF etc?

Yes. Offline notes in markdown. So cross-platform.

Great UI, 'Mind-mapping' thing that everybody wants, backlinking to other notes, markdown, offline (so private notes).

Other alternatives - roam research, notion, etc

I've tried it, I liked it. But I can't help but feel like I'm one of the only people who doesn't need an app for 'mind-mapping'. Am I missing something? Asking honestly, this comes up at work a lot. I feel like I can access things in my mind at will. Why should I need to transcribe it in some way?

I think the problem with general notetaking is, you take note and you'll almost forget about it completely in a couple of day.

This style of notetaking software help 'resurface' those information you even forgot you jot down long time ago and make the process of 'discover' new idea much easier, something like that.

Well, I mean it behave like our mind, just more tangible, in software form. Also, people forgot much more nowadays because of information overload...maybe that's why some people need to transcribe it into something and relieve their brain's load.

Be careful. It's unlikely that you remembered what happened during your second day in university without me bumping your neurons a bit.

What I am saying is, that often we need an access trigger first even if the memory is technically there. Mindmapping is a way to rewalk the thoughts you once had and reenter a specific state of memory and mind.

Even I don't get the idea of mind mapping. Just a gimmick for the productivity nerds imo.

if only they had iOS app.

Using Notion.io because of that, but i would change to Obsidian when they have it.

There is a workaround of storing the md files in iCloud and using a markdown editor like 1Writer to open and edit them. But you loose some functionality with that.

Obsidian stores notes in markdown format. There is nothing more cross platform and future proof in notes, than markdown.

You just have to sync a single folder. Google Drive/ Dropbox/ Syncthing, etc. Any solution works.

Use any markdown app on iOS - https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=markdown+ios

I use MDNotes on iOS with my Obsidian vault stored on iCloud and it’s absolutely seamless. Trying to figure out how to implement encryption in my pipeline seamlessly too; Cryptomator might work.

thank you

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