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Ask HN: Any chatbots capable of remembering context?
3 points by smusamashah on Aug 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Anytime I see a chat bot I try asking it to tell me what I just said or tell me what my last message was. They all fail.

With recent GPT-3 hype, I tried it with AI Dungeon and found it even more dumb. It's only a clever like a clever talker who can jump into any discussion and become the center of attention following the pattern of what's being discussed and adding more to it which sounds intersting despite not making any sense.

Is there any system capable of understanding what is being asked? just a simple question like repeating what you have told it?

With all the hype surrounding GPT-3, super interesting question.

Yesterday I read an article listed in HN, stating that the brain process spacial information together with visual information.

I would like to know if a transformer model is capable of learning current context: Maybe using some other form of neural net combined with other Bidirectional Transformer. That would work as a chatbot engine, though.

I found GPT-3 to be dumb. Great conversation artist, but dumb.

When studying, I tried picking up this exact problem, add context in chatbots as a research topic and was advised by my professor to stay away from chatbots because he already tried it and found them super complex.

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