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That's the whole point. If you are still using classical solutions for these things that are years old, you are far behind best experience and the competition. As an example, noise removal in low light images has advanced tremendously each year with stunning gains. Same goes for grammar correction and auto-correct. You can see the difference in Siri and Google Assistant that is literally an order of magnitude. Siri even has trouble doing proper voice recognition and as Apple does not even know how to do search, its question answering skills shines only for highly curated tasks. First thing I've always done on my iPhones is to turn it off. However, Google had been amazingly improving these stuff every year. The end result is that while I do use iPhone, I tend to use mostly Google services and when something is only available on Android I get a tremendous itch to switch.

It sounds like you are just advocating the corporate tech transfer model of advanced research in a nascent field, but maybe Apple is philosophically opposed to doing that. Indeed, it's not that they don't have funds for scientific research. It's easy to say Siri is inferior or whatever but that contains such hidden assumptions about what really is valuable for consumer tech.

> You can see the difference in Siri and Google Assistant that is literally an order of magnitude.

How is this measured?

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