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You really shouldn't be saying "you could do it if you really tried" to people when you don't know their situation. Maybe they have a bad knee. Maybe they have a chronic illness. Maybe they don't have the money to spend. It's not a personal failing to be unable to do something, and it's toxic to take that attitude.

"Don't encourage anyone because they might not be able to do it" is the shittiest and most toxic attitude I've ever heard.

Interpreting my comment as "don't encourage anyone" is an extremely uncharitable take. Support their endeavors, celebrate successes, be empathetic of failure. Don't tell them "no excuse for you not to able to do that."

"You could do it if you really tried" is not the same as "no excuse for you not to able to do that".

It's a sad state of affairs if the exchange needs to be "please share your situation with me so I can know if it's appropriate to offer words of encouragement" before offering words of encouragement.

Thanks. I could only upvote you twice! It's so crazy to limit speech to not excluding any edge case. 95% are capable of doing anything they want and the other 5% will never want to be judged on physical constraints.

Lets take an example of the most brilliant people of our time while also extremely handicapt Steven Hawkins.

What would he care he was excluded in a statement like this?

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