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> web sites

We are talking about web apps, not web sites.

> the screen reader output

The screen reader is not supported or useless on most web apps.

Again, we are talking apps and their GUI (web and native), not sites or documents.

> With something like godot, you might have to rewrite the entire GUI

Again a "might". I don't see any reason why you need any "rewrite".

> laws

Those are not for general purpose commercial apps as I wrote, only for public or specialized apps.

> You don't know anyone who's faced issues yet.

So then it is fear mongering, aka FUD.

> Provide information in accessible formats and technologies

Information, not GUI on apps.

Public information, at that.

It is simply impossible to require at the moment accessibility for web apps or native apps.

It does not even make sense for a huge amount of software. For example, an image editor or the vast majority of games cannot be accessible for a blind person with current technology.

Accessibility is critical on information and documents, not on common apps. That is why things like websites using fancy web frameworks just to display text is bad because they tend to break it. Nobody is discussing that, you are conflating apps with documents.

If you've made a "web app", it must be accessible through the web, i.e. it is either a web site or a part of web site, according to all sorts of laws including probably the ones mentioned by the GP post.

Forget about the fear-mongering - think about the actual people with disabilities though.

Whether your site is a "webapp" or a "website" is meaningless in terms of the law if we are talking about sites you visit through a browser.

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