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The only feedback I’d give is:

> My personal approach to crafting software tends towards secure by design

Whatever you put in your cover letter, try imagining another candidate saying the opposite in their cover letter:

> My personal approach to crafting software tends towards insecure by design

Nobody would say this right? So your original statement adds nothing. You need to get more specific and direct. Same goes for “reading up a lot in security.” What is 1 thing you were reading and why should whoever’s reading this email care?

Other than that not a bad start. You’re on the right track to keep it short and (hopefully) leave them wanting to learn more.

Also it’s scoping not scooping.

> Also it’s scoping not scooping.

Don't forget to proofread your cover letter!

Which is actually an argument for keeping your resume and cover letter fairly standardized (and get a second pair of eyes on the standard). The more you change for each application, the more likely errors are to creep in.

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