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Paper investigating whether ethicists are more ethical:


Could you maybe state the point you are trying to make and the position you personally hold? Do you have to be "more ethical" to argue that ethics are necessary and a good thing to teach?

I feel that if a career teaching ethics doesn't make someone more ethical, then a class is unlikely to do so.

Personally - I haven't taken any classes. I once wrote a template mailer that financial institutions used to mass mail customers, which I felt icky about, but I still did it to the best of my ability.

1/2 way through my career, I took a pay cut to leave finance and work in cancer research, mostly for the interesting work, but I do feel better about it as it's more positive sum for the world.

I would not begrudge someone doing something dodgy but legal to feed their families. Maybe they should feel a bit bad and look for other jobs, but I can understand.

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