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> because I could! Isn't that the point of tech - to be able to build whatever you want, whenever you want, for any reason you want, in any form or shape you want without asking for permission?

Well yes, if it makes you happy, absolutely, do it.

But another reason we are all here is to discuss the merits and problems of various technological approaches.

> The hexagon nut in your car is built on a technology that you don't know or own.

This just isn't true – the hexagon nut is completely open. I can go look up the length, shaft diameter, thread pitch, etc. Countless different manufacturers make one to the exact size. I could even make one myself with a lathe if I were so inclined.

SES is proprietary. I could not replace SES with something else.

> If you consider how easily an MX record can be created/changed, how am I losing anything by attaching myself to SES's email service?

Because if you wanted to move away from SES, you would have to completely rebuild how your client receives, stores, and sends email.

If you build your client on POP/IMAP/SMTP, then you can just change your MX settings, and your POP/IMAP/SMTP settings, and you can move all of your email to AWS, or Fastmail, or Gmail, or your own machine, in the time it takes DNS to propagate.

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