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The more I think about it, the more I think the search engine problem has no (currently known) solution. The options are:

1) Word-based crawling/indexing: quickly abused by spammers.

2) IA/ML-based: I think this is the current model (?), but after a while the machine got "clever" and it makes Google to think it knows better than me about what I am looking for, and returns result for "most people" tastes. The problem is when you are not "most people", and/or you are looking for some niche topic/work related/tech stuff/etc. Simply trying to discover new things like an interesting blog or a small shop it's impossible.

3) Paid-based: as in the article, and might be a good idea. But I think it has to run on a custom indexer. Why would I pay for Bing results?

4) Aggregators: a search engine that returns results from a bunch of other search engines, like DDG and others.

5) A mix of the above?

So unless new ideas come to the rescue, I think it's always going to get worse.

> 1) Word-based crawling/indexing: quickly abused by spammers.

I guess that ends quickly once spam means you get blacklisted no matter how many Google ads you serve ;-)

A large piece of this article hints at how they have some interesting options that Google doesn't have.

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