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> Looks like the culprit is the CPU/SoC: Rockchip RK3399.

It might also be the storage. Especially the delay when entering a git directory hints at slow storage. I had exactly the sand symptoms when booting an otherwise good server from an USB drive.

I've had this issue running Oh My ZSH on a Chromebook several years ago reading git branch info. Running a leaner config than omzsh would likely have been better, but I decided to just fully switch to fish.

Why would slow storage affect "alt-tabbing between Firefox and terminal"?

I'm not sure he was remarking on that one but it is possible. FF uses a lot of disk cache. You'll find this out if you ever run out of space. Lots of random crashes that are hard to diagnose.

That one could be RAM.

Aren’t eMMC drives known to be slow?

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