Thank you!. At the moment only parses English blogs from the feed. So If your blog has mixed content you can still submit the blog.
I have plan for supporting other langauges as well in future. Creating subdomains like,, etc which only contains the blog posts in the respective languages should probably be good enough. The main difficulty is finding the initial set of blogs that are popular in languages which I don't understand and creating an initial user base. Maybe not be probably as hard as I make it sound.
Hey, I blog in German for many years now and have my blog in a different open source planet. If you want some input about that language, shoot me a mail (it's in my HN profile).
Looking at your site I'm noticing there seems to be no RSS feed? I think that would make a good addition. You could have one personalized feed and one global one, like Reddit does it.
I'd also like to note that I was surprised about the github login. My blog has no connection to Github at all, most blogs won't, so I'm not seeing how that could work for others when people suggest their blogs?
> Hey, I blog in German for many years now and have my blog in a different open source planet. If you want some input about that language, shoot me a mail (it's in my HN profile).
Thanks! Will reach out to you once I start on this.
> Looking at your site I'm noticing there seems to be no RSS feed? I think that would make a good addition. You could have one personalized feed and one global one, like Reddit does it.
That sounds like a cool feature to have. I will add it to my todo list.
> I'd also like to note that I was surprised about the github login. My blog has no connection to Github at all, most blogs won't, so I'm not seeing how that could work for others when people suggest their blogs?
Yeah. I added GitHub login mainly to get the list of followers and organizations you follow on GitHub. Your account follows them automatically when you sign up on It also give me some idea on what kind of languages you use which I use a bit for showing user recommendations.
I have plan for supporting other langauges as well in future. Creating subdomains like,, etc which only contains the blog posts in the respective languages should probably be good enough. The main difficulty is finding the initial set of blogs that are popular in languages which I don't understand and creating an initial user base. Maybe not be probably as hard as I make it sound.