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Possible Pandemic System
2 points by mcdramamean on July 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite
I feel like, as a whole, we could be doing better about this virus. I get it, I'm not an expert in the field; but I do have common sense. Here is what my common sense says on how to deal with COVID. Please join in and share your thoughts. Maybe there is something I'm not seeing, but it's 2020 and it seems we aren't really using technology to it's fullest to deal with this issue.

Why don't we....

1. Allow pharmacies to test for COVID (currently illegal in California)

2. Make COVID testing mandatory every 2 weeks via a statewide digital system (like jury duty). California could then partner will pharmacies to allow wider spread testing. We could even create jobs by hiring and training those who are unemployed to administer the actual tests.

3. Make it mandatory that every business/person use the statewide system to scan people to ensure they have been tested recently. That, combined with temperature checks at the door will serve to catch any issues quickly; as well as providing REAL TIME feed back to the state about possible infections and outbreaks

It seems to me that pandemics are the new normal. We aren't going to have a vaccine ready for every virus within 1-2 years; so it seems prudent for us to invest in a good system now with a virus that isn't as deadly.

What does everyone else think? I really would like to create a thread and have some of the best minds (yes that's you) work on a real solution. Let's plan it and build it!

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