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The URL structure of my blog has changed so much over the years and I have subjected my subscribers to so many 404s that it made me put everything in a self-hosted pastebin for peace of mind. All I have to do is keep that pastebin alive and the domain renewed and my content will be preserved well into the future.

I've still yet to find a registrar that promises to keep a domain renewed past the 10-year limit though. The closest service I found is Mark Monitor but that seems to cater for large companies / corporations who need to protect their intellectual property (and it's expensive!). Can't have someone registering apple.com when it expires!

I have this: http://petermolnar.net/404.json It's the data source for a fallback PHP that tries to do magic if the static resource wasn't found.

How to: check your server logs, look for 404s. See if you can set up a redirect, or serve a HTTP 410 Gone.

I agree on the domain problem. It's a big problem.

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