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There's one thing that make me reluctant to use Godot though and it's GDScript.

Edit: Seems like it's not a problem anymore, can't wait to try again.

There's C# and C++ support, with third-party bindings to other languages (Rust, Python, etc)

GDScript is very "python like", never feels like a hurdle.

Doesn't Godot allow binding with multiple languages? You can even use Rust for that instead of GDScript.

The problem is few of those bindings are mature, nor can they be expected to remain up to date. I don't know of any games in Godot using anything but GDScript or C#.

This will probably change in the future (I hope it does, and I really wish Godot just used WASM internally so any language that already compiled to it would work) but as of now it seems there's no point to using anything but GDScript or C#.

C++ is very easy to use with Godot and integrate with the GDScript support. GDScript is also very good as a script language.

Been writing my own application mostly using C++ for the core logic and main application logic using GDScript. The interfacing between C++ and GDScript is suprisingly easy once you set it up.

But yeah stuff like Rust support is depending on the maintainers of that code to update to support latest versions of Godot.

You mean bindings aren't stable and require reworking all the time?

I mean that language support comes in the form of random third party projects like perbone/luascript[0], so stability and completeness are entirely up to the whims and capabilities of the owner.

It's open source, of course, so that's to be expected, but it also means support for any language other than C# and GDScript is kind of a crapshoot.


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