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Not sure what the status is today, but 2015 the answer was no on Intel:


"The company has seven publicly announced 64-bit architectural licensees: Applied Micro, Broadcom, Cavium, Apple, Huawei, Nvidia, AMD and Samsung. It also has another seven publicly announced 32-bit architectural licensees, of which five – Marvell, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Intel and Faraday – do not have a 64-bit licence."

Thanks, I did not know that. I wonder why AMD has a license. These licenses are _not cheap_ !!

Fun fact: AMD Zen processors contain at least one ARM cpu but as far as I know they are always 32bit and not modified from original hard macros.

They used to be quite keen on ARM in the datacentre - the last slide here [1] is interesting! Seems like the strategy changed.

[1] https://www.extremetech.com/computing/175583-amd-unveils-its...

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