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> Ofc the Perl is going to look like garbage and not be maintainable

Please stop perpetuating this myth. It really depends how you write it. Perl isn't going to do the tidying up for you, you'll have to properly structure the code yourself. If you still write Perl code like it’s 1991 then maybe itcs not maintainable. I work on a largeish Perl code base and I can assure you it's quite maintainable, moreso than most Js that people install via npm as we speak.

> If you still write Perl code like it’s 1991 then maybe itcs not maintainable.

This is probably one of the issues with Perl. You can still write Python code like it's 1991 and it will still be readable and maintainable.

no you cant, cuz 2.x python wont work in 3.x ;)

Fair enough, but note that the discussion topic is "writing xyz code like it's 1991", which doesn't exclude using a modern compiler.

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