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Fakecracker: NetBSD as a Function Based MicroVM (imil.net)
166 points by yankcrime on June 18, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

Intersting, always fun to read some BSD content. One thing that bothered me though is that no bootup times are specified anywhere in the article which after all focuses on exactly this, it would be very nice to see boot time of Fakecracker vs Docker vs NetBSD amd64 w. bootloader (and unmodified), and compared to the minimal Linux kernel menitoned in the begining.

Docker is not exactly "booted" in the traditional meaning of starting a (real or virtual) computer.

No but the process is still started and I suppose there's still some sort of setup time for networking, context group, etc.

the animation at the bottom shows netbsd + nginx starting in 1 second

I'd like to see a small lean kernel like NetBSD ported to WASM. You could run services in the browser or in a relatively safe and portable local WASM VM. Would be an interesting way to distribute certain kinds of software. Performance wouldn't be up to par with native, but it wouldn't be too bad.

Someone compiled NetBSD (rump) to JavaScript before WASM was a thing :-) https://blog.netbsd.org/tnf/entry/kernel_drivers_compiled_to...

The link seems to be down, I found this as a replacement

And then let's ship desktop apps in electron running NetBSD. And we will finally have come full circle :)

Can you build NetBSD to run as a user process like user mode Linux? A cross platform user mode "kernel" would also be a pretty interesting runtime.

Literally in this case.

netBSD -> browser -> jsBSD -> browser -> jsBSD ->

I was thinking the same thing. I didn’t see the size of the image after his optimizations anywhere.

I found a project that emulates an x86 processor, and they already have two BSD images built. https://copy.sh/v86/

That’s amazing. I wish they could fix the bugs on mobile where scrolling the viewport also moves the mouse, which almost makes it entirely unusable. That it works at all on mobile is amazing, all the same.

NetBSD is actually bigger than both freebsd and openbsd

NetBSD is so fun to play with. Highly recommended.

I don't really know much about NetBSD. Where is a good place to jump in?

The NetBSD Project has its own collection of tutorials here: https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/

Start at the beginning, continue until the end, then stop.

NetBSD-9 was just released; grab appropriate install img[0] and dive in!

When you need help or community, #netbsd on freenode[1] is just a few keystrokes away.

[0] http://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-9.0/

[1] irc.freenode.org w your favourite IRC client

One limitation of this system as it currently exists seems to be that you need a working i386 NetBSD host to built the filesystem. It might not be worth the effort once pkgin gets involved, but in theory I would expect this to be perfectly possibly to get around; after all, NetBSD's own build.sh is perfectly happy to build a full system image for ex. i386 NetBSD from source on ex. an amd64 Linux host. Or, if you didn't want to deal with cross-compiling, perhaps it would make things easier to build a Fakecracker VM that itself builds root filesystems, analogously to building docker images from a container using dind.

"One limitation of this system as it currently exists seems to be that you need a working i386 NetBSD host to build the filesystem."

One does not need a NetBSD host. This is not the most time/space efficient method I can think of, but it's the easiest to explain...

On Linux host:

1. Download

   for x in gnusrc sharesrc syssrc src;do ftp ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-9.0/source/sets/$x.tgz&& tar xzf $x -C /;done
2. Compile toolchain

   mkdir /usr/obj

   PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin ./build.sh -m i386 tools
3. Make filesystem

Using makefs instead of vnconfig + mount + newfs has the advantage that makefs is part of the toolchain while vnconfig is not

   makefs root.img fakecracker

Yep, with a tiny bit of fiddling this does indeed work:) Thanks!

Wouldn't that crap out /usr/include?

Nope; all the netbsd source tarballs extract to [/]usr/src

Does NetBSD support initramfs (the name of the Linux feature)? That would avoid having to create a disk image by running a bare system from a ramfs/tmpfs.

I experimented with something like that with Linux and cloud-hypervisor (a firecracker fork): https://gist.github.com/gdamjan/1f260b58eb9fb1ba62d223495858...

I assume this is a play on the word "firecracker"? :D


No need to assume anything. The article starts out:

> In November 2018 AWS published an Open Source tool called Firecracker, ...

> No need to assume anything. The article starts out:

Aha. Reading now.

Think of the overhead which could be saved if services could be "spun up" in chrooted environments or even just as members of traditional Unix-style user-private groups! I know, I know, this is a newish concept which seems crazy. But it could work.

Ahem. Chroot has lots of ways to escape.

The article mentions this but links to a Google search as "proof." Even VM's have lots of ways to escape these days.

Chroot vulnerabilities have been discovered and fixed over time, as any security issue in an operating system is. It's not accurate to say that they are insecure in a blanket fashion especially these days. My opinion is that we should be using Unix as it is meant to be used, as on operating system, and using its time worn facilities meant for purposes such as security and sandboxing. They are very well tested and the solutions are baked-in and generally pretty small in terms of both code and overhead when compared to spinning up a VM, for instance. There are arguments for using VMs for security and scaling but they don't always win over just one modest local server in either domain. We're not all serving Google search after all.

> Chroot vulnerabilities have been discovered and fixed over time, as any security issue in an operating system is. It's not accurate to say that they are insecure in a blanket fashion especially these days. My opinion is that we should be using Unix as it is meant to be used, as on operating system, and using its time worn facilities meant for purposes such as

I think you are right in general terms but I do not think an attacker will play by the rule and use `chroot` in UNIX-like OS as it is "meant to be used". They will use whatever means necessary - whether it be 0day or other un-patched vulnerability to get a break out.

Doesn't this apply to really any sort of isolated environment? What's wrong with chroot vs a vm?

> Doesn't this apply to really any sort of isolated environment? What's wrong with chroot vs a vm?

If you are implying _PoC GTFO_, then definitely I do not have anything to suggest today that either is secure but I would rather not base my comment on what's not seen in the wild and also on the limited breadth of my research.

If anything, we've learnt the from past exploitations of guest additions/kernel modules in guests/vmm, that all of it is real and possible. Given enough resource, time and eyeballs, a _lot_ of the bugs are exploitable - you just have to ask some of the folks in offsec who develop exploits for living.

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