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I'd rather not run a linux VM for this, so yes. It should be possible to isolate it to /opt/github-linter/* on my BSD machines, or put into a nix package.

(Also, I guess this is one more reason that docker is a big red flag for 'hastily hacked together unportable software that would be hell to ship.')

I'm 100% fine with running this and similar tools with docker to avoid polluting my machine with dependencies / un-uninstallable cruft and also to allow the people making such tools to concentrate on the tools and not supporting installation on 30 different platforms. Hell, docker even works on windows these days.

but your comment made me think of this meme, which I can't not link to https://i.imgflip.com/24ac74.jpg

text for people who don't want to click:

    It works on my machine

    Then we'll ship your machine

    And that is how docker was born

Look at the Dockerfile, it's all there. All 143 lines and 2 bash scripts. Are you about to introduce a new BSD ports package?

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