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The US government has treated people outside the US a lot worse than it's treated its own citizens, in the last 100 years, yet anti-US government people in the US don't seem to talk about that. You don't get invaded, saturation bombed, napalmed, droned etc. Or your democracy replaced with military dictators given a load of weapons and torture training.

Still, why corporations are internally so much better by nature than governments, in that world-view, I don't see.

The banana republics were done for the banana company

The oil wars were done for the oil companies

There isn't this mysterious firewall between government and business. They're different departments of the same thing.

Nor is there any mutual exclusivity. The absolute dictatorship of Pinochets Chile is also where the most radical forms of Milton Friedman's free market capitalism was tried.

They're two interacting institutions of power that can exist in many forms. Free business doesn't guarantee free societies.

There is no silver bullet

I’m the first to call out the hypocrisy of people tsk tsking and saying destroying property doesn’t bring about change in the case of police misconduct but being the biggest supporter of the military that bombs other countries and kills civilians to “bring Democracy”.

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