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These are definitely valid points, thanks. I would like to see Crux evolve into something more comprehensive like MarkLogic eventually, partly to not disappoint anyone with those common expectations of what a "document database" ought to have, but also because it feels like the right direction to move in if we want to see an offline-first world succeed in the future...and pick-up where Lotus Notes stopped innovating!

If we had native JSON support already I suspect we would have opted for "JSON Store", but we've only been able to support edn since we launched and "edn Store" isn't too helpful.

An official Lucene index is very likely going to be added for full-text search at some point. I know of two users in the community who have already integrated Lucene themselves, which is actually fairly straightforward as long as you don't need to do searches in the past or can cope with returning results from across all of time.

MarkLogic today advertise with data integration and NoSQL though rather than being a "document DB", which I guess is even worse as a moniker.

Indeed, it's an impressively eclectic product, considering how niche it seems to still be.

Incidentally they have some fairly nice materials about their own bitemporal query support and it's use across industries, e.g.:



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