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Because there's a movement called "Rewrite everything in Rust"

If that is indeed the answer (and I don’t think it is), perhaps try to answer the question “why isn’t there a similar movement for D?”

Because we have a movement called "Make the D compiler compatible with all C++ code" https://wiki.dlang.org/Calypso

Why should you rewrite good software? D can call C libraries. With DPP you can even use C macros in D code. D has some interoperability with C++ so now you have access to some C++ libs. But wait there is more. D can interop with python and R. And there was a person that talked about C# interop.

There will always be a movement "rewrite everything in x". This seems to be a natural manifestation of the generation conflict. Looking at the history of programming languages, it is certainly not wrong to say that any "most loved" language has a good chance to become the most hated language at some point in the future. And so on and so forth.

This is why I dislike using guest languages, instead of using existing "native" libraries for the platform, there is always that additional layer of idiomatic libraries for the guest language, yet another layer to debug and try to map to the original feature set.

And naturally their own build tool, debugging representations and IDE plugins.

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