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Nice project. My gut says an agent based system is the right approach but this implementation doesn't go far enough. The agent is reduced to a world view while it should imho involve a willingness to do favors for other agents. It would be far less complicated (and dare I say less toxic) without a market. The list of systems all try to establish reliability/trust in their own way but we know who to trust irl. The service should just slow down if to few people in your circles are willing to contribute resources.

> it should imho involve a willingness to do favors for other agents.

Absolutely. Because it is agent centric it can do this completely transparently. Since the individual agent is only the starting point, what you describe will definitely be developed on top of it, as I would agree that this is a common use case.

The real groundbreaking breakthrough with this project is that they are putting the individual user back in the middle, enabling peer-to-peer networks organized into a beautiful symphony sometimes referred to as Protocol Cooperativism. It is in contrast to Platform Capitalism - what we have today, and which takes humongous rents through corporate middlemen and third parties.

Building out from the individual agent allows, for example, cooperative Open Value Networks to be built (Sensorica is working on this), where users have complete agency/autonomy over the protocols and agreements they use, as well as users being able to temporarily hand off decision-making to others if they trust them, to act on their behalf, reflecting how they work together in the real world.

Basically this project is allowing everybody to carry a copy of the rules. This allows the protocols to rapidly evolve and change to meet the shifting needs of individuals and their communities.

There is a project building on the work of Ceptr called Holo-REA (developed out of http://valueflo.ws), which is doing exactly what you describe above.

Here is a story to quickly explain their work:


If you read my comment, I'd be grateful to know if it helped clarify some things. Does it help you see how what you described above is possible?

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