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I came here to make a similar point. I see two big benefits to microservices, neither of which is spoken to by the article:

1. Using small-ish (I hate the word "micro"), domain-bounded services leads engineers to think more carefully about their boundaries, abstractions, and interfaces than when you're in a monolith. It reduces the temptation to cheat there.

2. Conway's law is real. If you don't think very deliberately about your domain boundaries as you code, then you'll end up with service boundaries that reflect your org structure. This creates a lot of pain when the business needs to grow or pivot. Smaller, domain-bounded services give you more flexibility to evolve your team structure as your business grows and changes, without needing to rewrite the world.

I'm a big fan of the "Monolith First" approach described by Martin Fowler. Start with the monolith while you're small. Carve off pieces into separate services as you grow and need to divide responsibilities.

A multi service architecture works best if you think about each service as a component in a domain-driven or "Clean Architecture" model. Each service should live either in the outer ring where you interface with the outside world or the inner ring where you do business logic. Avoid the temptation to have services that span both. And dependencies should only point inward.

Carving pieces off a monolith is easier if the monolith is built along Clean Architecture lines as well, but in my experience, the full stack frameworks that people reach for when starting out (e.g Rails, Django) don't lead you down a cleanly de-couple-able path.





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