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I'm currently in the process of building one of these Manuform keyboards. If anybody else wants to build one, here are a few helpful things that took me hours to find:

1. By far the most readable closure script. Has more features than any other script I found (killer feature for me: wide pinky buttons): https://github.com/ibnuda/dactyl-keyboard/tree/refaktor

2. The same script as a web-form without exposing every parameter. Generates openSCAD 3D files: http://dactyl.siskam.link/manuform

3. Nice assembly guide 1: https://nickgreen.info/dactyl-manuform-build-log/

4. Nice assembly guide 2: https://medium.com/swlh/complete-idiot-guide-for-building-a-...

The original Dactyl and Manuform scripts lack commenting, are hard to understand and lack some cool features.

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