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If Zoom Is Wrong, So Is Apple (sneak.berlin)
28 points by trelonid on June 4, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Zoom's explanation is that they do not want the free accounts, which can be easily gotten with burner email accounts, to be used for child sexual exploitation (picture trading, etc). This in my mind is at least a reasonable explanation since the same sorta situation happened in the early days of Discord.

I think in the current situation they should have been much more upfront about this.

The article misses the fundamental difference between Zoom and iCloud's data: Zoom's is transient content and iCloud's is persistent content.

If your stored data were encrypted with your key rather than Apple's, and you lose your key -- you lose your data.

If your video call were encrypted with your key rather than Zoom's, and you lose your key -- you generate another key for your next call.

Poorly written, but true. However I ask the writer this, how do you restore a backup if you lose your phone?

Who keeps nudes in iCloud? Instagram is way better

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