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I feel like I need to respond to this and say the Internet isn’t enough for all children. It wasn’t for me.

I grew up having the Internet since I was around 8-9. (I was born in 1990) I was able to find communities online for things I was interested in. But it didn’t make me any less “weird” in person. While it’s nice to find people online, it’s really not enough. Especially as a kid since you can’t really interact with everyone since many times they’re much older than you.

If you’re still going to school and get bullied for being weird, have no friends because weird, and so forth... then the Internet is nice but it’s not really a replacement for real life acceptance. Most kids need friends and acceptance in real life. You can’t get by on the Internet alone.

a lot of people who haven't done fully remote work are extroverts who are currently cheering the move to fully distributed work throughout the developed world are gonna start begging to go back to an office in about 3-12 months when the crushing loneliness kicks in. (tho I'd love to be proven wrong and see alternatives like affordable coworking spaces pop up - but an office is like a free coworking space).

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