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>Mr. Epstein created the company in 2013 and told government officials in the Virgin Islands that it was involved in DNA analysis and research.

This almost seems like he was acknowledging in a "wink-wink" manner the sexual nature of what was really happening.

DNA analysis and research requires a lot of talent and infrastructure and putting it on an remote island is not the best idea.

But calling engaging in sex "DNA analysis and research" is almost at the level of what passes as a joke in middle school. This almost seems like an inside joke between the Virgin Islands officials and Epstein about the true nature of what was really going on.

There might be more truth there than you think. One of the largely ignored and unacknowledged realities of the uber-wealthy elite is that they tend to be very interested in eugenics programs (of course under different names). Multiple people have stated that Epstein intended for his ranch in NM to be a place he had multiple women pregnant at a time so he could "seed the human race" with his superior genetics. Witness Maria Farmer says he and Maxwell and many others in the group were very open and serious about considering themselves genetically superior to the masses...

It's very common for the elite to openly reference what they're doing, crime-wise, because 1) It's easy to hide in plain sight, and 2) Who's going to stop them, you? Epstein's probably on an island right now.

It’s pretty well established that he’s dead.


Images of his body and the crime scene have been released to the public by the coroner.

In order for any of this speculation around him being alive is true, you realize that this conspiracy would have to involve dozens of people at least, right?

Look, I get the speculation around the circumstances of his death. He was a bad dude that had a lot of powerful friends. But to seriously consider that one or more of his friends would go out of their way to save his life by faking his death is completely ridiculous. If anything, his powerful friends had tremendous incentive to have him killed once he was detained.

Just because our world is being polluted by conspiratorial thinking doesn’t mean we can just stop thinking on a basic level. A plot to fake Epstein’s death makes absolutely zero sense. An ordered hit? Sure, there’s a logical explanation there. But a faked death is such a lazy and absent-minded conspiracy theory.

I'm not denying that it is harder to fake a death than to just order a hit. But if he had a dead man's switch, it could be worth the cost.

And with how unusual the whole 'suicide' was, accepting the official story at face value is arguably lazier than suspecting it.

But if he had a dead man’s switch, wouldn’t it have been easier and lower risk to use state resources to penetrate his network and disable it? It’s not like a dead man’s switch is insurmountable, and when you’re entertaining these ideas of people who have vast amounts of power, doesn’t the simplest solution still make the most sense? How does an institution with an infinite amount of power fear one man? That’s the lazy paradox I see here. The government is all-powerful but wants to let one guy with a bunch of dirt on people live, even though they have the power to do whatever they want? And they choose to fake his death instead of coercing a prosecutor to slap him with charges that don’t stick or manipulating the jury? There are just so many more plausible ways that this plays out instead of faking his death.

As I said above, I think there are legitimate reasons to suspect foul play in his death. But a conspiracy involving the prison, the coroner and EMTs, the DA, whoever transported him, and whoever else you’d need to carry it out just gets so fantastical so fast. I’m not saying I believe the official story here, but people don’t consider the social implications of some of these conspiracies.

It’s like the people who think the moon landing was fake. Thousands of engineers, scientists, builders, etc. worked to get us to the moon. Anyone can read the source code from the mission today. Even with all of those people and resources poured into that project, nobody blew the whistle or leaked the press, how? That would’ve been one of the biggest political scandals in history if Kennedy/LBJ/Nixon got caught dumping tons of money into running fake NASA missions.

> It’s like the people who think the moon landing was fake

No. No it really isn't. Faking the moon landing would obviously take absurd amounts of effort. And honestly, the narrative on it is fucked anyways. These conspiracy theorists are really just smelling the stink from the overly confident "of course we did" narrative, which should instead be a "holy shit, the odds were against us and we probably shouldn't have made it."

In terms of faking a death, (I DONT BELIEVE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED) all he'd really need is:

1. pay/threat the guards

2. turn off cameras

3. get a good enough replacement body

4. pay off any of the people who were doing autopsies or getting a really close interaction

5. photoshop

I don't think this is the most plausible answer, but fuck if I'm going to act like I know it didn't happen.

>In order for any of this speculation around him being alive is true, you realize that this conspiracy would have to involve dozens of people at least, right?

If Epstein's "death" had been witnessed by his cell mate, or the suicide watch he ought have been on, and if the cameras outside his cell worked, you'd be a lot more convincing right now.

The coroner in George Floyd's case said he died from a heart issue, despite the fact he was murdered on video from multiple angles.

So, there's immediate and highly visible precedent for coroner fraud. It's not like they're so well paid they can't take bribes, nor so connected as to be immune to pressure.

I'm not sure what I should believe when the forensic pathologist who ruled Epstein's death a suicide is the same guy who said that George Floyd's death was (seemingly-obviously) due to the neck compression: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Baden#Notable_cases

Seems like that wiki page says exactly the opposite. That Michael Baden was the forensic pathologist that disputed the idea that Epstein's death was suicide and stated that Floyd's death was due to mechanical asphyxia.

I guess I need new reading glasses after all, whoops.

Did the coroner actually say it was a heart issue? I read simply that the heart issue may have contributed. Which I understood as, he may have been asfixiated a bit quicker due to the heart issue. Which doesn't actually change anything as far as the murder goes, but that was what I understood them to mean.

> you realize that this conspiracy would have to involve dozens of people at least

The public didn't know about The Manhattan Project, either. Check out the numbers on that...

Also, you'd be shocked what people would do for millions of dollars.

The Manhattan Project started in 1942, was penetrated by Soviet spies no later than 1943 (Klaus Fuchs), and was known to the whole world by 1945. It's not a great example of extended secret-keeping.

According to documentaries, there was a whole army of spies.

From memory, one of the most important was a quadruple spy - the German gaseous diffusion expert was working for the UK, USA, Germany and Russia.

When FDR told Stalin about the bomb, Stalin just said, "Thank you."

You just need to keep it secret enough to hold out until the declassification of the documents a decade to 5 decades later.

> Just because our world is being polluted by conspiratorial thinking doesn’t mean we can just stop thinking on a basic level

There's a difference between thinking and speculating, and having certainty. I suspect he was suicided, but I don't believe anything.

I'm willing to entertain/examine theories of either a hit, or a coordinated escape, and I'd argue those that aren't willing to entertain such are...sleeping.

Why would an organization as powerful as the government fear one person like Epstein so much that they’d do something like that? I think it’s fair to speculate that he was murdered, but a coordinated escape is such a fantasy.

Maybe he had a dead man’s switch? Ok, the US government is the greatest military power in history with advanced technology, that wouldn’t be an obstacle for them. Why couldn’t the DOJ coerce the prosecutor into assigning charges that don’t get him convicted?

There are just so many more plausible ways it could’ve been done. And when you dig into the details of executing such a plan to perfection while covering a ton of people across the government to do it and nobody leaks it to the press, it completely fails basic logic. It just does.

Insinuating that I’m “sleeping” is also a complete cop-out. You still haven’t explained how an institution with infinite power is so afraid of one guy that they’d go to these extraordinary links to save his life by faking his death instead of just killing him.

Your fatal flaw is thinking everyone within all government groups are on the same team/have the same motives.

Oh really. And do you have a source for that? How do you explain the strange happenings where he was being held? :}

If you’re going to go “there” don’t pass up on the name of the islands themselves.

That could be the genesis of the name, but Epstein was also known to espouse a lot of eugenecist and transhumanist views and had ties to geneticists like George Church. So another possibility is he originally intended to do the research and then wound up using the entity for money laundering or blackmail instead.

Here's my thesis: The company collected DNA from the girls he trafficked after they copulated with the rich and famous... He then generated revenue by keeping the results of the DNA analysis secret ( for a fee ).

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