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There really is no logical argument. People have their preferences for a bike or a car but the car is faster than the bike just like how the debugger is generally better then printing. There is very little logical argument for the alternative.

Taking a snapshot of program state using log is isomorphic to freezing the program at that same state. The difference is that with the debugger you have the option to step into the next state or increase your resolution and look at state within a lower level module/function. With the debugger you have access to ALL state at the point where you froze it, not just statements you happened to log.

With logs, the way you debug is you log some state, reset the program with more logs and iterate until you find an issue. With a debugger you freeze the program examine all the state .... advance the program however far you want.... then the issue is found (unless you advanced the state too far ... but with logging the state ALWAYS advances too far until the end of execution, so with logging you always need to reset).

Logically, logging is just debugging with less features so people who prefer logging just in general don't want to use the extra features. Additionally logging has the added downside of constantly polluting your pristine code with your log annotations which you have to remove later (can introduce more bugs). While debugging with console PDB has the same effect, a GUI largely alleviates this problem.

The only argument for logging/printing is that you can use logging to debug an application in production.

I find that print debugging forces me to think through the execution and understand what my program is doing in my head. By having the restriction of not being able to change my print statements without restarting the program, I'm forced to understand the program better. Some restrictions foster creativity.

I will add that I usually add various levels of debug log annotations even before I run into a bug so that I know what my program is doing.

Also, when I'm on an embedded platform that can't run a debugger or writing an exploit for a security vulnerability, being good at logging is nice.

Yeah logging is like a bike. Generally worse than the car but good for you in terms of exercising your brain.

I completely agree and was just about to make a post comparing logger/debugger to bike/car. I guess we think alike!

There are also quite a few bugs where you need some kind of debugger in order to track down the bug. I am thinking crash dumps (using WinDbg for example) as well as memory corruption in C/C++. Being able to set a breakpoint when a certain address in memory changes has basically reduced most memory corruption bugs from a week-long nightmare to more of an inconvenience for me (mind you, it's still my least favourite type of bug to investigate).

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