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I currently don't have one, so…no? I do usually try to keep Hacker News clean of low-quality comments, though, which is fairly distinct from "negative apple feedback".

I'm confused by the GP's us-vs-them animosity. There was an interesting issue that got buried in a polarizing "fan" vs "hater" dynamic. :'( Sigh

Like, shouldn't most high-end consumer devices include a dedicated update storage partition or flash area so that user storage is never impacted?

And it's a much more interesting topic than trying to figure out if I'm an Apple astroturfer, which in itself is strange because the top comment in this very thread is me pointing out that Apple unpatched this bug in iOS 13…plus it's against the site guidelines, which is why I assume that the comments have been flagged.

But back on topic: there are some devices that do include a specific partition for updates, but I don't think it's usually for user storage, but for "seamless updates": you install the OS to the other partition, reboot, and the partitions swap and you have a new OS up and running immediately. I actually doubt that any manufacturer would forgo not counting that as part of their user storage, unfortunately…

As someone who has been corrected by you when quoting from inaccurate sources on iOS and jailbreak related info, thanks for what you do and how you go about it. You're curt and courteous, which can come off as being short, but you're always accurate in my experience. I don't think you should worry too much about people thinking you're an astroturfer, because those who know the technical side know that you know your stuff.

Thanks for the kind words, but you'll find that I'm not always right ;)

How did you know I read your blog? :P

Yeah people like you did a lot of work to hide apple’s planned obsolence in the past, wouldnt be entirely shocked if this was the case. Now you can apply for a job at apple showing what a good sheeple you are.

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