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You're probably getting hung up on the "converting to base-128" part.

Here's my solution. I wouldn't normally post it publicly, but I've emailed OP multiple times over the last couple months to apply for this position and have received no response, so maybe this is actually the best way to get around the spam filter:

  from z3 import *
  s = Solver()
  x = Int('x')
  divisor1 = x / 611939
  divisor2 = x / 598463
  modconstraint1 = (x - (611939 * divisor1)) == 145767
  modconstraint2 = (x - (598463 * divisor2)) == 109572
  s.add(modconstraint1, modconstraint2, x > 0)
  email_bin = '{0:b}'.format(s.model()[x].as_long())
  email_b128 = []
  for i in xrange(0, len(email_bin), 7):
      email_b128.append('0' + email_bin[i : i+7])
  email_bytearr = map(lambda c: str(unichr(int(c, 2))), email_b128)
  print(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, email_bytearr, '') + '@inpher.io')

For anyone wishing to try this without having to install z3, or just to see a more rudimentary way of doing this, here is a self-contained (hopefully just as readable) solution in JS:

    const num = findNum();
    const bin = num.toString(2);
    const byteStrings = toChunks(bin, 7).map(chunk => chunk.join(''));
    const bytes = byteStrings.map(str => parseInt(str, 2));
    const str = bytes.map(String.fromCharCode).join('');
    console.log(num, bin, byteStrings, bytes, str);
    function findNum(i=0, lim=1e1000000000) {
     while (i < lim) {
      if (i % 611939 === 145767 && i % 598463 === 109572) return i;
      i += 1;
    function toChunks(iterable, chunkSize) {
     const chunks = [];
     for (const el of iterable) {
      let buf = chunks[chunks.length - 1];
      if (!buf || buf.length >= chunkSize) {
       buf = [];
     return chunks;

    243085550 1110011111010011000011101110 [ '1110011', '1110100', '1100001', '1101110' ] [ 115, 116, 97, 110 ] <xxx>
Sorry about not getting a response from the poster of the job, by the way. It's a very unhealthy attitude and it's sad to see this on HN of all places.

  x = 145767

  while x % 598463 != 109572:
      x += 611939

  s = ''
  while x:
      s = chr(x % 128) + s
      x //= 128


Oh, I didn't realize that x had to simultaneously satisfy both; I just though they were two parts of the email or something. Thanks for the explanation!

Btw, python-z3 supports the % operator

  from z3 import Int, solve
  x  = Int('x')
  solve([x % 611939 == 145767, x % 598463 == 109572])
  [x = 243085550]
Also: please use python3, it's 2020 :( And a simpler conversion to base128 would be:

   print(''.join(chr((x // 128**i) % 128) for i in range(3, -1, -1)))

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