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> By large, I mean 10+ MByte.

OK. Did Rabbit or your client libraries bug out when sending single giant messages? What does message fragmentation (by which I assume you mean splitting one logical message up over multiple AMQP messages? Or something else?) have to do with keepalives (and what do you mean by keepalives? Connection heartbeats? TCP keepalives?)?

> Literally everything I do requires /some/ persistent state in the workers, and there's no way to do that with celery.

Sure there is. In-memory caches persist between requests. And there's always sqlite and friends. Celery's more intended for the "RPC/fire-and-forget" case than stateful workloads, but it's not too painful to use those with it. And you get the benefits of its (reasonably) hardened connection/heartbeat management, which may help with some of your other issues.

Basically every time I've seen code that rolled its own bespoke consumer loop for RabbitMQ, it was wrong in some fundamental ways; the state machine on the consumer side did indeed get out of whack, and badly. Best to outsource the "keep the connection alive, establish subscription, detect failures" work to a higher-level library (like Celery) that provides a long-lived consumer so your code can just be occupied with data processing.

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