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I get something like this with Music.app -- it seems to randomly open. I suspect it's some kind of keystroke (i.e. hitting the play button) but I haven't figured out exactly why it's happening or how to stop it.

I'm pretty sure this didn't used to happen until I upgraded to Catalina.

I really wish I had better luck with Linux...

If no media is currently playing or paused and you press the Play button by mistake, the Music app opens. It's extremely annoying.

You can get rid of this with

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.rcd.plist


Unfortunately, when I tried it, it made the media keys stop working entirely, not just stopping Music from opening.

I get this semi-randomly when I'm using my bluetooth headphones/mic with Meet/Discord and then quit/close it and it becomes available to the OS or something. Music.app just pops up and as far as I can tell, there's no way to turn it off.

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