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In real life, does anyone care?

You mean as a hobbyist? I sure wouldn’t use this at work.

> You mean as a hobbyist?


I had a much longer comment about this, then grew tired of writing up the caveats - because HN :).

So, me neither, not if I relied on it for revenue generating work.

As long as it's on Apple hardware, I don't see the issue at work.

Virtual machines on Apple hardware are explicitly allowed in the OSX EULA.

> As long as it's on Apple hardware, I don't see the issue at work.

Sure as long as it's stable and actually supported and doesn't live in Apple's realm of "experimental".

> Virtual machines on Apple hardware are explicitly allowed in the OSX EULA.

Kinda feel you're missing my, admittedly and ashamedly, overly pithy point about "persevering" with this on non-Apple hardware for real life revenue generating work.

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