We're not making anyone's job search details pubic. All that the profile will show is that an engineer created a Triplebyte profile at some point in the past, and any badges they earned.
It'd be helpful for you to spell out what exactly will be public. Even the simple fact that a so-and-so has a Triplebyte profile might be an unwelcome involuntary public disclosure to that person, if they're a current user who didn't read your email and fails to opt out. The (possibly unintended) lack of upfront clarity regarding what exactly will be public by default is also not helpful. Software engineers are probably more likely that other members of society to have strong opinions and expectations about their online privacy, and are probably more likely to be upset if they feel those expectations are violated.
“We aren’t making anyone’s subscription status public. All that their profile will show is the fact at some point in time they registered an account on Pornhub with their email address and real name, and any badges they earned.”
> We're not making anyone's job search details pubic. All that the profile will show is that an engineer created a Triplebyte profile at some point in the past, and any badges they earned.
You are totally missing the point. You think the change significantly improves your product, but your users perceive the change as a massive breach of trust. Why? Because the underlying JTBD (job-to-be-done) for a lot of engineers is discreet job searching. IOW, for a lot of people, a public TB profile would be like having a private Ashley Madison profile [0] exposed to the public. Ashley Madison was a major source of embarrassment for many when they suffered a breach.
Rather than double-down, might be time to step back a bit. The aphorism "the market's perception is your reality" is especially instructive.
I had added TripleByte to the list of resources to use on my next job hunt, that was a mistake.
I have made a note of this singular action along with your repeated refusal in this thread to acknowledge the harm you are causing.
People don't want their current employer to know about their job searches, period. There's a difference in magnitude between this and the Ashley Madison leak, but it's the same concept. Having a profile at all is a clear sign to your current employer. It doesn't matter what you were doing with it or when you created the account.
Given your demonstrated propensity for making previously private information public, shouldn't we evaluate your claim as "We're not making anyone's job search details public yet."
I wonder, what future value will you find by giving away more private information? I know by this example that you won't even wait for the consent of your users before you exploit their private information.
The primary reason people sign up with your service is job search. Having a profile most likely indicates job search and will certainly be interpreted as such by many managers and employers, I expect.
It’s like explaining to your spouse of 5 years why you have a profile on a dating site that started 3 years ago.