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> I'm a bit baffled; when did attending church become unusual in America?

It’s not. Even in Manhattan 45% of people attend religious services “frequently” or “regularly.”

It’s very unusual among the kind of people who staff the admissions departments of selective colleges though.

Harvard, The most elite school in USA, has a church in the center of campus, an official preacher, and a whole Divinity School.


37% of professors at elite universities are atheist or agnostic. Saying Harvard is friendly to the religious because it has a divinity school is like saying Stanford is a hotbed of the rightwing because of the Hoover Institution, except that you would expect a lot of atheists and agnostics at Harvard’s divinity school and no Marxists at Hoover.

Could both the Hoover institution and the divinity school be a signal that there are no communists on campus?

I sometimes wonder if the US is less secular than Europe because atheists were for a long time associated with communists. Church going people obviously couldn't be communists.

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