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There is a sort of Gopher "successor" in the works called Gemini that was featured recently:


It aims to fix flaws in the Gopher protocol while still making it easy to implement clients.

If you haven't dug into Gopher, there's lots of cool stuff in it from ASCII art and old computer manuals to games and lots of blogs (called "phlogs"). I suggest grabbing a client and heading to the Gopher Lawn to get a taste:


(Lynx works as a client, but there are a ton more out there with fun UIs.)

I wrote a 15 line Python server behind STunnel and xinetd for Gemini; I love the protocol, and where I felt a lot of the Gopher world seemed to venerate the old, I think Gemini really is a great, low-fat, content oriented protocol and community. Come join the fun!

If you want to connect now: Web Portal: https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gemini.circumlunar.space/ Clients: https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gemini.circumlunar.space/softw...

I'm in the process of writing a Tcl graphical client, to let folks hack their browser as if it were a running lisp process. For day-to-day browsing, I'm mostly using Elpher right now, which is an emacs Gemini and Gopher client written in Elisp, and is fantastic.

I'm at gemini://acidic.website/

I understand why acidic, thanks to your explanation, but why website, when you don't have a website?

(I also like acidic food sometimes. I'm not sure if I like acidic coffee; so far, the only coffee I have successfully consumed is espresso without milk, water or sugar and some is surely better than others. I was certainly surprised to discover that plain espresso is actually better than adding milk, water or sugar.)

Is there a way to actually reply within Gemini? I could set up my own server, I guess, but you would never know I had.

> I understand why acidic, thanks to your explanation, but why website, when you don't have a website?

Because the domain was incredibly cheap, and I may eventually host some HTTP content there as well, but I'm not sure. The main reason was just the price heh.

> Is there a way to actually reply within Gemini? I could set up my own server, I guess, but you would never know I had.

Nope, no comments. You could email me, of course, but I'm thinking of setting up an ActivityPub server on the box so folks can message me if they're interested.

I've had a lot of fun with this recently.

One of my favourite gemini sites is this [1] page where a guy is hosting music that he's made over the years.

[1] gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space:1965/~sloum/

The platform is really nascent but I think has a lot of potential. If I get some time I might hack together a client that's better suited to me than the extant ones (although bombadillo works great for the moment).

Shameless plug time again. If you are on Windows, why not try my Gopher client:


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