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There's a minor but important point: the amount of work str() has to do depends on its input type. In particular, if arg.__str__() returns a string or a subtype of string or not a string, str() will call different tp_init functions. So we can't get rid of the args tuple until after the optimization of knowing that arg.__str__() returns an string (which is why I did them in that order). So I guess the condition is a little bit weaker than str(int) but it's more than str() of one arg.

I'm still very sure that the Python's source code can be refactored to avoid the allocation completely in the case of a zero or one parameter for all the functions that now always have an expectation of the tuple. But I also understand that you can't achieve that in your case without changing the existing code base.

I think you've proven that the language is a lost cause. It's never going to perform OK.

With all the breakage of Python 3, it's a shame that the causes of slowness were not eliminated. The language could have been changed to allow full ahead-of-time compilation, without all the crazy object look-up. Performance might have been like that of Go.

then it will become perl6 which no one uses

Perl 6 is mostly not used because it has been renamed to Raku (https://raku.org using the #rakulang tag on social media). Raku is very much being used. If you want to stay up-to-date with Raku developments, you can check out the Rakudo Weekly News https://rakudoweekly.blog

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