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Makes you wonder what their response would be when I bring up that one of the more common games I play is Stormworks, where I spend most of my time in the engineering screen figuring out how to build fuel control and PID systems to run jet engines properly. Not quite to realistic levels, sure (it's one of my gripes about the game). But it's not on the level of mindless shooters by any means (which I also occasionally enjoy).

Even "mindless shooters" have a tangible benefit to cognitive and social function -- https://www.avondwenm.nl/images/avonden/avond-2019/studiemat...

The benefits of implementing play are vast and are emphasized in evolutionary psychology. Video games are just one means to leverage play.

Games like CS:GO, Valorant, and Overwatch are far from mindless. In fact, they take so much brain power that I have trouble even speaking when playing. But if you mean single player shooters, then yeah, I kind of agree.

Trust me, I'm on your side. When I say mindless I'm just talking about the classic corridor shooter (which, again, I also can enjoy sometimes).

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