I write this not to boast, but for two simple reasons:
1) To inspire other YC-rejects, especially single founders.
2) To recruit hackers to help me bring this company to the next level. By which I mean, of course: total world domination.
I came up with a simple idea for a iPhone app to recommend iPhone apps at the end of the summer, began working on it the fall, and applied to YC shortly thereafter. As a single founder, I expected to be rejected, but thought it couldn't hurt to apply. The rejection email came on November 2nd, and I got the app into the store a week later.
At that point, it was pretty clear the app wasn't ready for prime time, so I worked on it and racked my brain for a viable near-term business model and marketing strategy.
This was sorted out and tested in microcosm by the end of the year. I actually pinged pg on New Years' Eve with my modest but promising stats, requesting late acceptance to YC. Unfortunately he replied that it was just too late, and so I soldiered on. I began marketing internationally, in English speaking countries, rolling the eventual profits from one successful country-targeted campaign to go after the next larger country in my list. Ireland. Success. Australia. Success... Canada.. The U.K...
Finally, on the night of February 15, I went after the U.S. That was a pretty intense night. But all worked as predicted. And one month later, it continues to work.
Over 800,000 downloads to date, 4.5 star rating in the store and a nice constant revenue stream of over $100k per month. Check it out: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id399128529?mt=8
That's as a single-founder, with no investors, and only the advice I could squeeze out of my friends.
But this is just the beginning.
Of course there will be: An iPad app. Android. Internationalization. Vast improvement of the recommendation algorithm. An in-house advertising system. Marketing pushes to get the app to at least 10x users by the end of the year.
We're also going to expand this from just apps to books, movies, music, and so on. Cars? Fashion? Let's see what works.
So there's our basic business plan for all the world to see. And we're not afraid. Go ahead, try and steal it. You know it's all about execution and position at this point. And we've got an excellent position and fantastic execution.
But who's this "we"? Right now it's just me---the founder---and the business assistant I just hired. An excellent developer friend will be hopping on board soon.
But really: I want YOU! Quit your Google! Quit your Facebook! Quit your Apple! Let's forget about getting acquired and build something with which to acquire! Come with me, fellow hackers, and let's conquer the world!
Sound like fun? Send your resume, along with a brief cover letter explaining why you're interested, to: